Alexandria ...
It is the famous city
in Egypt on the sea coast.
The people of the Sir
differed on its builder: some of them went until its builder Alexander the
first, who is Dhu al-Qarnain, Ashk ibn Slocus al-Rumi who toured the earth and
reached darkness and sunset and its rise and blocked the gog and magog as he
told God Almighty about him and if he reached a position that is not executed
take a statue there Al-Nahhas is a written Yemeni substance, and some of them
said who built it by Alexander bin Dara, son of the daughter of the Roman
philosopher, likened him to Alexander the first because he went to China and
Morocco and died when he was thirty-two years old and the first was a believer
and the second was on the doctrine of his teacher Aristotle and between the
first and second a long time.
It was said: When
Alexander built Alexandria and was old in the construction of Shaddad Bin Aad,
it had traces of architecture and stone cylinders. He slaughtered many
sacrifices for offerings and entered a structure that was for the Greeks. He
asked his Lord to show him the matter of this city, whether or not he saw in
his dream, saying to him saying : You build this city, its reputation goes up
in the horizons, and it is inhabited by people whose countless numbers, the
good winds mix with its air, the toxins are distracted from it, the heat is
flattened and the roaring and the evil is hidden from it so that the devils do
not fall from it to dementia.
So Alexander came to
its place and saw the goodness of its air and the traces of ancient
architecture and deliberately many of the marble, so he ordered the makers of
the country to search and collect the machine and choose the time to build it
so they chose a time and hung a bell even if the bell moved the makers put the
construction from all sides at the same time and if they were waiting for a
bird flew on the bell and moved it then they put Construction.
That was said to
Alexander, and he said: I wanted her long stay and God wanted the speed of its
ruin, and it would not be anything other than what God wanted, so do not let
her down.
And when its
foundation was established, and the night of the night was out of the sea, and
it was destroyed by what they built, and it still ruled it every day and
entrusted it to those who kept it, so they became ruined.
So Alexander ordered
that she be baptized with a talisman to pay the jinn, and that he harmed them
to harm them.
Al-Masoudi said: The
columns on which the talisman has images, figures, and writing remain to our
time. Each column is eighteen cubits long, with pictures, shapes, and writing.
There were seven
walls on it, and it is now a city of many good things.
It was the day of
adornment and the protest of Moses and magicians.
Moses was more than a
thousand years before Alexander.
With the Council of
Solomon, peace be upon him, Al-Gharnati said: He is outside Alexandria, the
daughter of the jinn carved out of the rock with marble columns, like every
pillar on the base of marble and on the head thereof like it, and white marble
dotted with red and black like the Yamani onyx The length of each column is
thirty cubits and its circle is eight arms and has A door of marble and its
threshold and its arms are also of red marble, which is better than onyx and in
this assembly more than three hundred columns are all of one gender and have
one in the middle of this council a column of marble on a marble base of one
hundred and eleven cubits and its turn forty-five inches .
One of its wonders is
a pillar known today as a pillar near the gate of the tree from the gates of
Alexandria, because it is very great as if it is a great lighthouse and it is
one piece erected on the base of a great square stone and on top of another
stone like the base as if it is a house, so underneath that of its section and
erection and raising the top stone on his head indicates However, his actors
were in great power and were unlike the people of our time.
Among its wonders is
what Abu Al-Rayhan mentioned in the remaining monuments that Alexandria has a
moving cylinder and the people say that it is moving in the movement of the
sun, but they said that because if it did not put something under it if it was
flat it could not be taken and if it was a ceramic or a glass heard its
intercourse and Alexandria was the compound of the wise and with them their
gates were like stairs sitting She had the sages on their classes, and he was
the most knowledgeable of those who work chemistry, because his position was on
the lower degree.
One of its wonders is
the lighthouse below it is a square of carved rock and above that an octagonal lighthouse
and above the octagonal a nice lighthouse rounded the length of the first
ninety cubits and the eighth is like that and the length of the gentle rounded
thirty cubits and on the top of the lighthouse a mirror and on it a client
looking at it every moment. Mirror tells the enemy to prepare to push it.
The mirror remained
until the time of Al-Waleed bin Abdul-Malik bin Marwan, so the king of the
Romans executed a person of his subtle characteristic, so he came to some
stomata and showed that he fled from the king of the Romans and wanted Islam
and Islam at the hands of Al-Walid bin Abdel-Malik and extracted burials for
him from the Levant.
When that money
became to Alwaleed, he insulted himself and said to him: O Commander of the
Faithful, here are money and burials for the past kings.
Al-Walid asked him
about his place, and he said: Under the lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexander
contained the money of Shaddad ibn Aad and the kings of Egypt and the Levant,
so he left it in Azaj and built the lighthouse on it.
Al-Walid sent a
people with him to extract it, they broke off half of the lighthouse, the
mirror was removed, and the people of Alexandria were bitter.
When Al-Alaj saw this
and knew that the mirror was invalidated, he fled at night in a boat towards
the Roman and was tricked.
The lighthouse in our
time is a high fortress on the foothold of Jabal Mushrif on the sea at the tip
of an island between it and the mainland, towards the stroke of a horse, and
there is no way to it except in the salty sea, which is square and has a wide
staircase that the rider climbs with his horse.
The staircase was
covered with stones throughout a vehicle on the two walled walls, so that it
rises to a high layer overlooking the sea with surrounding terraces, and in the
middle is another fort that rises to another degree, and ascends to another
layer with balconies, in the middle of which is a nice dome, as if it were the
location of the worms.
It was reported that
Abdel Aziz Ibn Marwan, when he was crowned by Egypt, gathered his sheikhs and
said: I want to rebuild Alexandria to what it was.
They said: Look at us
until we think.
He said: Help me with
men and I will help you with money.
So they went to Naos,
took out a human's head, carried it on a wheel, and weighed a tooth, so they
found twenty pounds of its grunt and foot, and they said: We came with such men
until we returned them to what they were.
It has a well-known
eye in Alexandria with a kind of seashell, there is every time that is not free
of it at any time it cooks and drinks its broth exonerating leprosy.
God bless.
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