
Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim, peace be upon him


He is one of the first five great leaders from whom God took a strong covenant, and they are: Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad .. in the order of their resurrection. He is the Prophet, who was afflicted by God with a clear misfortune. The plight above human capacity and nervous energy. Despite the intensity of distress, she meant misfortune ... Ibrahim was the servant who fulfilled. And he added to the fulfillment of charity .. The Almighty said in Surat (The Star):

And Abraham, who fulfilled the summary of the story of Ibrahim, peace be upon him

He is the friend of God, God chose him with his message and preferred him over many of his creation. Abraham was living in a people worshiping the planets, and he was not satisfied with that, and he felt his instinct that there is a greater god until God guided him and aligned him with his message, and Ibrahim began calling his people for the oneness of God and His worship but they lied to him and tried to burn it For God’s sake from their hands, God made the prophets from the descendants of Abraham, who bore him Ishmael and Isaac.

God Almighty has honored Abraham in a special honor, making his religion the pure monotheism of impurities. And make the mind on the side of those who follow his religion. The Almighty said in Surat (Al-Baqara):

And whoever desires the religion of Abraham, except one who has his own foolish ones and has chosen him in this world, and in the hereafter those who are righteous

And God Almighty praised Abraham, who said in Surat (An-Nahl):

Abraham was a nation that was content with God, and it was not from the polytheists

It was God's grace over Abraham that God made him an imam for the people. And he made in his descendants the prophecy and the book. All of the prophets after Abraham are his children and grandchildren, and God's promise to him was fulfilled, so he did not send a prophet after him except that he came from his seed. Even if the last of the prophets, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came, an investigation and response to Abraham’s call in which God called to send in the illiterate a messenger from them.

If we go along and look at Abraham's grace and honor to God, we will be filled with astonishment. We are in front of human beings, his Lord came with a healthy heart. A person who did not God only said to him, he said, "Until he said: I became Muslim to the Lord of the worlds." A prophet is the first to be a Muslim. A prophet paid his unanswered call for the resurrection of Muhammad bin Abdullah, peace be upon him. A prophet was very and a father of all the prophets of God who came after him. Quiet tolerant prophet Halim Awaib Munib. The Almighty said in Surat (Hood):

Abraham is a dreamer, a substitute.

He said in Surat (As-Saffat):

Peace be upon Abraham

Our Lord, with honor and honor, reminds us of another matter that is better than all of the above. And God Almighty says:

And God took Abraham as a Hebron

There was no mention of a Prophet in God's book, which God took as a friend other than Abraham. The scholars said: Khula is the severity of love. Thus, the verse means: God took Abraham as a beloved. Above this majestic summit Abraham sits prayers and peace be upon him. The ultimate hope of those who walk, and the goal of the investigators and those who know God, is to love God Almighty. As for someone dreaming that God will love him, singling him out with love, that he specializes in calorie, which is the intensity of love .. that is something beyond the horizons of perception.

Abraham was this divine servant who deserved to be taken as a boy by God.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him


The Qur'an does not speak of his birth or childhood, and does not stop at his age explicitly, but he paints a picture of the atmosphere of life in his days, so life comes in his era, and you see people have divided into three categories:

Category of idolatry of idols and wooden and stone statues.

• The category of worshiping planets, stars, sun, and moon.

• The category of worshiping kings and rulers.

And in this atmosphere Abraham was born. Born in a family of families of the run time. The head of the family was not an ordinary infidel of idolaters, he was a distinct infidel who made with his hands statues of deities.

It was said that his father died before his birth and his uncle raised him, and he was like a father, and Abraham called him by the term fatherhood, and it was said that his father did not die and Azar was his father really, and it was said that Azar was the name of an idol whose father was famous for his workmanship .. Whatever it was, Ibrahim was born in this The family.

The head of the family, the greatest sculptor, makes statues of deities. The father’s profession gives him special holiness in his people, and makes the whole family an excellent place in society. Is a prestigious family, a family of the ruling elite.

From this sacred family, a child was born, destined to stand against his family, against his society’s system, against the delusions of his people, against the suspicions of priests, against existing thrones, against stars and planets, and against all kinds of polytheism in short. And it was natural for his punishment to be thrown alive.

We do not want to get ahead of ourselves. Let's start with him since his childhood:

His mind was illuminated from childhood. God lit his heart and mind and gave him wisdom from his childhood. As a child, Ibrahim realized that his father was making strange statues. One day he asked him what he was making, so he told him that they were statues of deities, and Abraham was astonished and felt in his mind rejected. As a child, he used to play with these statues and ride their backs, just as people ride on donkeys and mules. His father watched him one day riding the back of a statue, and the father got angry and instructed his son not to play this statue again.

Ibrahim asked: Which statue is this, Dad? His ears are big ... bigger than ours. His father said: It is Murdoch, Lord of God, my son, and these two big ears symbolize his deep understanding. Ibrahim laughed with himself .. He was seven years old.

Saint Barnabas tells us by Jesus how Abraham mocked his father as a child. Says:

Ibrahim once asked his father: Man-made, Dad?

The father said: Man, because I made you and my father made me.

Ibrahim replied: It is not like that, Dad. Because I heard an old man crying and saying: Oh my God ... Why did you not give me children?

The father said: Really, son .. God helps a person to make a human being, but he does not put his hand in it.

Ibrahim said: How many gods are there, Dad?

Sheikh answered: There are no number for them, son.

Ibrahim said: What should I do, Dad, if I serve God and the other wants me evil because I have not served Him? What if discord and strife occurred between the gods? What if the God who wants me is killed by God? what should I do..? It definitely kills me too.

The sheikh answered laughing: Do not be afraid, son, because he does not quarrel with another god. In the Great Temple there are thousands of deities with the great god Baal, and I have now reached seventy years of age yet I have never seen a god who has struck another god.

Ibrahim said: Then there is harmony between them.

His father answered: Yes there is.

Ibrahim said: What are the gods made of?

The sheikh said: This is from palm wood, and that from olive, and that little statue is ivory. See how beautiful it is .. It really only lacks breathing.

Ibrahim said: If the gods don't have a soul, how can they breathe? And if they had no life, how would they give life? Sure, Dad, those are not God!

The sheikh was angry with these words and said revolting: If you were an adult you would not be able to comprehend it, your head would be cried with this ax.

Ibrahim said: Dad ... if the gods help make a man, how can a person make gods? If the gods are made of wood, burning wood is a major sin. But tell me, Father .. How do you help the gods and make huge numbers of them from them .. How did the gods help you to make many children so that you become the strongest man in the village?

The dialogue between them ended, with the father reaching out and hitting Ibrahim.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Days passed ... and Ibrahim grew up. His childhood was filled with sincere hatred for these sculptures that his father made. He did not understand how a sane person could make a statue with his own hands, and then prostrate after that with his hands. Ibrahim observed that these statues neither drink nor eat nor speak nor can they be moderate if someone turns them on their side. How do people perceive these statues as beneficial ?!

Abraham long tormented this idea. Could all his people be wrong, and he alone is on the right? Isn't this amazing?

Abraham's people had a large temple filled with statues. In the center of the temple was a mihrab where the statues of the largest deities were placed. The gods were types, varieties and forms. Ibrahim was visiting the temple with his father as a child, and he felt a great contempt for all these woods and stones. The amazing thing is the people .. his people .. if they entered, they lowered their heads and bent their backs, and they started crying and begging and asking her things as if she heard or understood. At first this scene seemed funny to Ibrahim, then Ibrahim began to feel angry. Isn't it strange that all these people were deluded? The problem has increased! Abraham's father wanted Abraham to be a priest when he grew up. Abraham's father wanted nothing more from his son than to respect these statues, but Abraham was relentless in declaring his contempt and hatred for her.

One day, Ibrahim entered the temple with his father. The celebrations started with statues. Amidst the celebration, the high priest went to the statue of the chief deity. The priest spoke with a deep, moving voice and asked the statue to have mercy on his people and provide them with livelihood. Abraham's voice went out in the temple silence as he addressed the High Priest: he does not hear you, my priest ... do you not notice that he does not hear?

People turned to this boy and found him Ibrahim. The high priest felt embarrassed and angry, and the father apologized, claiming that his son was ill and did not know what to say .. The two came out of the temple, the father accompanied Ibrahim to his bed and laid him down, and left and went.

Ibrahim rose from his bed, heading to one of the caves of the mountain, and was sure to the degree of certainty that it could not be the wooden and stone statues that his people made that created this universe and managed its affairs. He looked up at the sky. He barely looked at her until she remembered that he was looking at planets and stars worshiping on Earth. The little boy's heart was filled with great merciful sadness.

Looking beyond the moon, the stars and the planets. His amazement was that people worship her while she was created to worship her Creator, and she appears with His permission and omits with His permission. And Abraham conducted an internal dialogue between him and himself, and it was soon extended to a dialogue with his people who worship these planets.

God Almighty recounted these positions by saying to God in Surat (Al-Anam):

And when Abraham said to his father Azer Ottakz idols gods, I see you and your people in manifest error (74) as well as we see Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and be Moguenin (75) when Jane saw him the night of this planet, my Lord said

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

The Qur'an does not tell us about the atmosphere in which Abraham announced it. However, we feel from the context of the verses that this announcement was between his people, and it seems that his people reassured him, and they calculated that he refuses to worship statues and loves the worship of planets. Navigation was free between the three pagans: the worship of statues, stars, and kings.

However, Abraham was saving his people a surprising surprise in the morning. The planet that joined its religion yesterday has escaped. And Ibrahim does not like the aflatene. Allah says:

When he had gone away, he said, I do not like the evaders. (76) When he saw the moon emerging, he said: This is my Lord.

Ibrahim returned on the second night to announce to his people that the moon is his Lord. His people were not smart enough to realize that he was making fun of them gently, kindly and lovingly. How to worship usury that disappears and then appears. He falls and then shines .. Regularly, who denotes his servitude to God? His people did not understand this the first time, so he repeated it with the moon. But the moon is like a flower like any other planet .. it appears and disappears ... The Almighty said:

When he had gone away, he said: If my Lord did not guide me, I would be among the lost people.

We will notice here that his people talk about his rejection of the moon’s deity .. He is tearing the lunar creed calmly and kindly. How do people worship riba that disappears and turns away? While my Lord did not guide me, He understood them that he had usury other than all that they worshiped. However, the gesture does not reach them. Ibrahim continues his attempt to establish the argument for the first category of his people ... the servants of the planets and the stars. Allah says:

When he saw the sun this emerging Lord said the biggest escaped when he said: O my people I am innocent of what Chrcn (78) and I turned my face to Him Who created the heavens and the earth upright and I am from the infidels

His refutation of the solar doctrine was the conclusion of his tour with planetary and star worshipers. He declared that the sun is his Lord because it is greater. Irony passed through the ears of his people, but the closed hearts did not capture her. Sun worshipers did not understand that they worshiped a creature. He does not sing that he is great .. God is great .. After Ibrahim announced that the sun is his Lord, he waited until the sunset came, and the sun set. She escaped, too, like all deities worshiped. Then he declared his innocence from the worship of stars and planets. He ended his first tour by directing his face to the one who broke the heavens and the earth Hanif ... not a polytheist like them.

Abraham's argument managed to show the truth. His people began a struggle with him. Not acquiescence of worshipers of stars and planets. They began their arguments and intimidate him and threatening him. Ibrahim replied to them and said:

Othajohnny in God has Wahdan not fear what Chrcn him but he wants something my Lord broadened my Lord, everything note do you not remember (80) and how I fear what you fear that you do not Ohrkim Ohrkim in God unless you come down with authority Which two teams deserving of security, if you know

We do not know awe attack him. Nor was the intensity of the struggle against him, nor the method of his people that he used with him to intimidate him. The Qur'an has passed all of this to its response. Their argument was invalid, so the Qur’an removed it from the story, and mentioned Ibrahim's logical, sensible response. How do they fear him and not fear them? Which team deserves security?

Those who believed and did not put their faith in an injustice, those of them have security and they are

After Ibrahim, peace be upon him, explained his argument to the category of stars and planets, he prepared to explain his argument to idols. God gave him the argument the first time, just as the argument will give him every time.

And that is our pilgrimage, which we give to Abraham over his people. We raise the degrees of the children who arise: Your Lord is a wise, knowledgeable.

Glory be to Him. He supported Abraham and showed him the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He was not with him except Islam when he started his struggle with idol worshipers. This time the conflict takes on an even greater form. His father on the subject .. This is the profession of the father and the secret of his status and the place of ratification of the people .. It is the worship followed by the majority.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim went out to his people by inviting him. He said decisively angry and jealousy over the truth:

As these statues to which you are said to his father and his people what (52) They found our fathers have Abdeen (53) said you have you and your fathers, in manifest error (54) said Ojitna right or you guys (55) said, but your Lord, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, which So make them happy, and I am one of those two witnesses

The matter ended and the conflict began between Abraham and his people .. He was the most stunned and angry was his father or uncle who raised him as a father .. The father and son clashed in the conflict. The principles separated them, and they differed. The son stands with God, and the father stands with falsehood.

The father said to his son: My calamity is great for you, Ibrahim. You have failed me and offended me.

Ibrahim said:

Father did not worship what does not hear nor see, nor sing you something (42) O my father, I have come to me from science unless Aotk Vatbni Ohdk Path together (43) O my father, do not worship the devil if the devil had Rahman sticks (44) O my father, I fear If a torment of compassion touches you, then you will be a devil

Father rose up and stood a trembling of anger. He said to Ibrahim while he was rebelling:

He said, I desire you, my God, O Ibrahim

If you do not stop your invitation, I will stone you, I will kill you with a stone. This is a punishment for those who stand against the gods .. Get out of my house .. I do not want to see you .. Get out.

Ended up The conflict has expelled Ibrahim from his home. Also resulted in the threatened with death by stoning. Nevertheless, Ibrahim acted as a son of a bar and a prophet. He addressed his father with the literature of the prophets. In response to insults, defamation, expulsion and the threat of death, he said to his father:

Peace be upon you, I will ask forgiveness from you, my Lord, that he was with me (47), and I will retire from you and what you call from God, except for God’s sake.

And Abraham went out of his father's house. He deserted his people and what they worship without God. He decided an order in himself. He knew that there was a great celebration taking place on the other side of the river, and all people would leave. He waited until the celebration came and the city where people lived was empty.

Ibrahim went out cautiously, and in his footsteps the temple. The streets leading to the temple were empty. The temple itself was deserted. everyone went to party. Abraham walked into the temple with a sharp axe. Look at the statues of the gods carved from the rock and wood. He looked at the food the people placed before her as gifts. Ibrahim approached a statue of one of the gods and asked him: The food has cooled in front of you .. Why not eat?

The statue remained silent, and Ibrahim asked a number of statues around him:

Don't you eat


He was making fun of them and knowing that they don't eat. He returned asking the statues:

You shall not speak

Then he plunged his ax to the gods.

So he made them attractive, except for them, so that they might return to it.

And the gods who were worshiped turned into small pieces of broken stones and woods ... except for the great idols. Abraham left them (for them to return to him) and they asked him how the incident occurred while he was present and he did not pay for the smallest gods! Perhaps then they review the whole issue, so they return to their righteousness, and realize that they did not return to him and ask him or themselves to ask her: If these are gods, then how happened to them what happened without paying anything for themselves. This is big, how did he not pay for it? They did not ask themselves to question this question, because superstition has held their minds off from thinking, and because tradition has curbed their thoughts of meditation and reflection. If they call this natural question to take revenge on those who destroyed their gods, and made this work with them: they said who did this to our gods that he is among the unjust

Then remember those who heard Abraham deny his father and those with him worshiping the statues, and threatening them to affirm their gods after they left them!

They said: We have heard it. A boy reminds them, Ibrahim is told to him (60).

They intended to defame him and announce that she had done the heads of martyrdom!

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Are you saying you did this Balehtna O Ibrahim

They still insist they are gods, and grandparents are shattered. As for Ibrahim, he mocks them and mocks them, and he is an individual alone and they are many. This is because he looks with his open mind and his connecting heart, and he can only mock them and make fun of them, and answer them with an answer that suits this level of mental level:

But they do advantaged this Vasolohm said that they speak

The sarcasm is evident in this satirical answer. There is no reason to name this a slaughter from Abraham - peace be upon him - and to search for its explanation with the various ills that the commentators disagreed on. It is much easier than this! Rather, he wanted to say to them: These statues do not know who broke them, if I am the mother of this great idol who has no mobility. They are inanimate objects that are not perceived at all. Likewise, you, like the grasp of perception, do not distinguish between what is permissible and impossible. Do not know if it was I who destroyed it, that it was this statue that destroyed it! So ask them if they speak

This satirical sarcasm seems to have shaken them, shaking them back into a measure of reflection:

They returned to themselves, they said, is you the wrong-doers

It was a good sign that they would feel the injustice they had in their position, and the iniquity of their worship of these statues. And that their insight opens for the first time, they contemplate the absurdity with which they take themselves, and the injustice they are in. But it was only one flash, followed by darkness, or only one pit, after which their hearts returned to subside:

Then they were set back on their heads, for you knew what they were saying.

Indeed, the first was a return to souls, and the second was a setback on the heads. As the Qur'anic expression says, the wondrous photographer .. The first was a movement in the soul to look and reflect. As for the second, it was a coup d'etat. Otherwise, saying the latter is proof against them. And any argument to Abraham stronger than those that do not speak?

Then he answers them violently and narrowly, as is his usual impatient patient. Because the absurdity here exceeds the patience of the Halim:

Were you worshiping without God without anything that does nothing good for you and does not harm you? (66) Pray for you and why do you worship without God

It is a saying in which chest tightness, self-anger, and wonder appear from the absurdity that transcends all familiar.

When you took them to glory and sin as the tyrants always take when they lose the argument and lack the evidence, they resort to brute force and heavy torment:

They said, Burn it, and help your gods, if you do.

In the Surah (the Prophets), God Almighty bested these scenes. Allah says:

We gave Abraham his senses before and we were doing two worlds (51) when he said to his father and his people what these statues to which you are (52) They found our fathers have Abdeen (53) said you have you and your fathers, in manifest error (54) They Ojitna right or you of players (55) he said, but your Lord, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, which Aftrhn I am. that is of two witnesses (56) and Allah, to Okidn idols after they turn away turned away (57) Fjolhm Jmama only great for them so that they might to return (58) said this did Balehtna It is the oppressors (59) they heard a boy reminds them said to him, Abraham (60) said they brought him to the eyes of the people so that they may bear witness (61) said thou done this Balehtna O Ibrahim (62) said, but do advantaged this Vasolohm if they speak (63) And they returned to themselves, they said, you are wrong-doers You (64) and then Nksoa on their heads, I have learned what they speak (65) Ovtabdon said, without God, what does not profit you nothing and hurt (66) F you and what you worship without God, do you not understand (67) said Hrkoh And support your gods if you do

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Indeed, the willingness to burn Abraham began. The news spread in the whole kingdom. People came from villages, mountains and cities to witness the punishment of those who dared and destroyed the gods and admitted this and mocked the priests. They dug a great hole Mlioha firewood and wood and trees. And set it on fire. They brought the catapult, a mighty instrument, to throw Ibrahim into, and he fell into the fire pit .. They put Ibrahim after tying his hands and feet in the catapult. And caught fire in the pit and the escalation of flame into the sky. People were standing away from the hole from overheating. The High Priest ordered him to fire Abraham.

Gabriel, peace be upon him, came and stood at Abraham's head and asked him: Oh Ibrahim ... Do you need?

Ibrahim said: As for you, do not.

The catapult set out, throwing Abraham into the fire pit. The fire was in place, but she was not doing her burning job. God Almighty issued an order to the fire. Allah says:

We said: O Fire, be cold and peace to Ibrahim.

She obeyed the fire and it was (cold and peace be upon Abraham). His restrictions were only burned. And Ibrahim sat down the middle like a sitting garden center. He was praising his Lord and praising him. There was no empty place in his heart that could be filled with fear, dread, or alarm. The heart was full of love alone. And fear died. The dread faded. And it becomes impossible to fire him cold peace softens the heat.

The rituals, the elders and the priests sat watching the fire from afar. Their heat was burning in their faces, a burning death that nearly took their lives. The fire remained on fire for a long time, until the disbelievers thought it would never be extinguished. And when she was extinguished, they were surprised that Abraham came out of the pit intact, as he entered. Their faces are black from the smoke of the fire, and his face glistens with light and majesty. Their clothes were burned half of them because of the burning wood that fell on them, and his clothes as they were not. They have the effect of smoke and fire, and they have no trace of smoke or fire.

Ibrahim came out of the fire as if he was leaving a garden. The unbelief startled shouting screams. They lost their bitter and cynical loss.

And they wanted it so that they made them the two losers.

The Holy Qur’an does not tell us about the age of Abraham when he destroyed the idols of his people, it does not tell us about the age at which he was assigned to call to God.

It appears from the extrapolation of the ancient texts that Ibrahim was a young man when he did this, as evidenced by his people saying about him.

We heard a boy mentioning them, Ibrahim is called

And the word boy is given to the age before twenty.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Saint Barnabas tells us in his gospel that Abraham destroyed the idols before God Almighty assigned him to call. Barnabas says in Chapter 29:

Ibrahim heard a voice calling him. Ibrahim asked: Who is calling me?

Then he heard him saying, "I am the angel of God Gabriel."

Abraham was terrified, but the angel dwelt at his magnificence, saying: Do not be afraid, Abraham, because you are the friend of God.

The words of Barnabas go on and say: Abraham asked what he would do to worship the God of angels and prophets? Gabriel answered him to go to this spring, take a bath, and go up the mountain for God Almighty to speak to him.

Ibrahim rose to the mountain and knelt on his knees and God Almighty called for him .. Ibrahim answered: Who is calling me?

God Almighty said: I am your God, Abraham.

Abraham terrified and prostrated on the ground scratching his face, and he says: How does your servant listen to you, O Lord, as dust and ashes? There God Almighty commanded him to rise because he was chosen by him as his slave, and he and those who followed him blessed him.

This account defines the time of Abraham's selection and assignment of prophecy after destroying idolatry and planets. Perhaps these luminous moments in which the truth was revealed blessed and exalted to Abduh Abraham are the things that the Noble Qur’an mentioned in his saying in Surah (Al-Baqara):

When his Lord told him of Islam, he said: I became Muslim to the Lord of the Worlds

However, the time for God Almighty to choose Abraham is not specified in the Qur'an. Thus, we cannot cut it with a final answer. All that we can say in my opinion is that Abraham made the argument categorically upon the worshipers of the statues, just as he established it on the worshipers of the stars and the planets before decisively, and it remains only for the argument to be made on the kings and their worshipers .. And so the argument is based on all the disbelievers.

Let's read together the details of his third tour with the servants of the kings.

Abraham encounters a angel believed to be a god. God Almighty tells us in Surat (Al-Baqara) and he says:

Have you not seen the Haj Ibrahim in his Lord God grant him the king, as Abraham said, my Lord, who salutes Yamit I salute Amit said Ibrahim, God comes the sun from the east by Morocco 'Bring amazed that Kafr God does not guide the unjust people

God Almighty passed the king's name due to lack of importance, but it was reported that the contemporary king of Abraham was called (Nimrod) and he is the king of the Arameans in Iraq. He also transcended the truth of his feelings, as well as the long dialogue that took place between Ibrahim and him.

The king was afflicted with the king's pride and vanity, and the surrender of his people increased his sense of pride and vanity. Abraham listened to the king and realized everything. And Abraham quietly said: My Lord revives and dies

The king said: I am alive and given up

Abraham did not wonder how the king would revive and die .. He knew he was a liar.

The king returned saying: I can bring a man walking down the street and kill him, and I can pardon a death sentence and save him from death ... and so I will be able to live and die.

Abraham smiled at the naivety of what the king said ... and felt sad about himself. However, he wanted to prove to the king that he fancies in himself the ability and is in fact not capable.

Ibrahim said: “God comes from the east from the sun, and brings them from the west.”

The king listened to the silent challenge of Abraham .. When the words of the Prophet ended, the king was amazed. He felt helpless and could not answer. Abraham proved to him that he is a liar .. He told him that God brings the sun from the east, so can he bring it from Morocco .. The universe has systems and laws that follow according to them .. laws created by God and no creature can

Control it. And if the king was sincere in his claim to divinity, then the universe system and its laws would change ... then the king would feel helpless ... and the challenge would silence him. He did not know what to say, and how to behave. Abraham departed from the king's palace, after he was amazed.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim's fame was launched in the whole kingdom. People talked about his miracle and his escape from the fire, and people talked about his position with the king and how he silenced the king, but he did not know what to say. Abraham continued his call to God Almighty .. He exerted his effort to guide his people, he tried to persuade them by all means, and despite his love for them and his keenness on them, his people were angry and deserted, and only one woman and one man believed in him from his people .. a woman called Sarah, who later became his wife, and a man He is Lot, and he became a prophet later. When Ibrahim realized that no one would believe in his call, he decided to emigrate. Before he emigrated, he called his father for faith, then it became clear to Abraham that his father was an enemy of God, and that he did not intend to believe, so he disavowed him and severed his relationship with him.

For the second time in the stories of the prophets we encounter this surprise .. In the story of Noah the father was a prophet and the son is a disbeliever, and in the story of Abraham the father was a disbeliever and the son is a prophet, and in the two stories we see the believer declaring his innocence from the enemy of God despite being his son or father, as if God understands through the story that The only relationship that the bonds between people should be based on is the relationship of faith and not the relationship of birth and blood. The Almighty said in Surat (Repentance):

And when Ibrahim did not ask his father for forgiveness except for a date and promised him to it, then when it was revealed to him that it was an enemy from God to God

Abraham went out of his country and began emigrating. He traveled to a city called Ur .. and a city called Haran .. then he left for Palestine with his wife, the only woman who believed in him .. and accompanied him with Lot .. the only man who believed in him.

The Almighty said in Surat (The Spider):

Lot believed him and said that I migrated to my Lord, that He is the Wise and Wise

After Palestine, Abraham went to Egypt .. And throughout this time and during all these trips, he used to invite people to worship God, to fight for him, to serve the weak and the poor, to equate people, and to guide them to truth and truth.

And his wife Sarah did not give birth .. The king of Egypt had given her an Egyptian woman to be at her service, and Ibrahim had become an old man, and his hair was white through a white age that he spent in calling to God, and Sarah thought that she and Ibrahim are alone, and she does not have children, what if she presented Has the Egyptian lady to be the wife of her husband? The Egyptian name was "Hajar". Thus, Sarah, our master Ibrahim, married Hajar, and Hajar gave birth to her first son, so his father called him "Ismail".

Some stories come to show the story of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, and his wife Sarah, and their position with the king of Egypt. She says:

The news reached the king of Egypt that a man arrived in Egypt with a woman who is the most beautiful woman on earth. He coveted it. he sent his troops to get this women. He commanded them to ask about the man who was with her. If her husband was, let him kill him. So the revelation came to Ibrahim, peace be upon him. Ibrahim - may peace be upon him - said to Sarah if they asked you about me, then you are my sister - that is, his sister in God - and he said to her: Whatever on this earth is a believer besides me and others - for all the people of Egypt are infidels, there is no unified for God Almighty. So the soldiers came and asked Ibrahim: What are these from you? He said: My sister.

Let us stand here for a bit .. Ibrahim said when he said to his people (I am sick) and (but he did this to the elder of them so ask him) and (she is my sister). All words can be interpreted. However, Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was very afraid of his sense of these words on the Day of Resurrection. When people go to Him, He makes the Resurrection to pray to God to begin the reckoning, He says to them: No, I have lied to my Lord three times.

We find that humans are now lying to people without shame or fear of their Creator.

When a woman knew that the king of Egypt was immoral and wanted her, she called on God, saying: Oh God, if you knew that I believed in you and your Messenger and entrenched my vagina to my husband, do not shed light on the unbeliever.

When they inserted it. He reached out to touch him, failed, and his hand froze in place, so he started screaming because he could no longer move it, and his agents came to save them, but they couldn't do anything. Sarah was afraid for herself to kill her because of what she had done to the king. She said: O Lord, let him not kill me with it. And God answered her prayer.

But the king did not repent and thought that what happened was a passing thing and went. He attacked her again. He failed again. So he said: "So, mine." So she called God Almighty relieve it. He reached out for a third failure. He said: So, let me divorce you and honor you So she called God Almighty and loosen it. So the king locked his helpers: Take them away from me, for you did not bring me a person, but rather you brought me a demon.

He released it and gave it some gold, just as a nation called Hajar gave it.

This account is famous for the entry of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, to Egypt

Ibrahim was a sheikh when she gave birth to Hajar, his first son, Ismail.

Abraham lived on the earth, worshiping God, praising and sanctifying Him.

We do not know the dimensions of the distances Ibrahim made on his journey to God .. He was always the traveler to God ... whether he settled in his home or his steps carried him as a tourist on the ground. A traveler to God knows that these are days on earth, after which death will come, then he will blow in the images, and the resurrection of the dead will take place

The other day filled Ibrahim's heart with peace, love and certainty. And he wanted to see one day how God Almighty revives the dead .. God recounted this position in Surat (Al-Baqara) .. The Almighty said:

And when Abraham, Lord of the Lord, showed me how to revive the dead, he said, “Did you not believe?” He said yes, but to reassure my heart

This desire to reassure the heart with faith is only a degree of love for God.

He said, "Take four birds from the bird, and treat them to you, then put on each mountain a portion of them, then let them come to me.

Abraham did what GOD told him to do. Four of the birds were slaughtered and their parts were scattered over the mountains .. He called them in the name of God and the feathers rose up to his wing, and the chest searched for their heads, and the parts of the bird flew towards the docking, and the ribs met with hearts, the sacrificed parts of the rushed to heal, and life came in the bird, and a speeding plane thrown in itself Abraham's arms. Some interpreters believed that this experience was a curiosity from Ibrahim. Some of them believed that he wanted to see the hand of the Creator-glory as it works, but he did not see the style even if he saw the result. Some commentators believed that he was satisfied with what God had said to him and did not slaughter the bird. We believe that this experience was a degree of love that the traveler made to God ... Ibrahim.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim woke up one day and instructed his wife, Hajar, to bear her son and prepare for a long journey. Days later, Ibrahim's journey began with his wife, Hajar, and their son, Ismail. The child was a baby not yet weaned. And Ibrahim continued to walk in the middle of a cultivated land, after which a desert would come, then mountains would come ... until he entered the desert of the Arabian Peninsula. Valley was completely devoid of signs of life. Ibrahim arrived in the valley, and fell over the back of his mount. He sent his wife and son and left them there, he left with them some follicles with some food, and a little water is not enough for two days. Then he turned, left and walked.

His wife rushed behind him, saying to him: Oh Ibrahim, where do you go and leave us with this valley that has nothing?

Abraham did not respond to it .. He kept walking .. She came back telling him what she said and he is silent .. Finally I understood that he does not act like this from himself .. I realized that God commanded him to do this and asked him: Did God command you this? Ibrahim, peace be upon him, said: Yes.

His great believing wife said: We will not get lost as long as God is with us and it is He who commanded you to do so. And Ibrahim walked even if

A mountain hidden him from them, stood up and raised his generous hands to the sky and began to pray to God:

Our Lord, I dwelt in my offspring with offspring of valleys that were not planted with your forbidden house.

The house of God had not yet been rebuilt, the Kaaba had not been built, and there was supreme wisdom in these mysterious behaviors. It was Ismail the child who was left with his mother in this place, it was this child who would be responsible with his father for building the Kaaba later .. And the wisdom of God required that urbanization extend to this valley, and that the house of God, which we all go to during the prayer with our faces, be built.

Ibrahim left his wife and infant son in the desert and returned, due to his struggle in God's call .. Ismael’s mother breastfed her son and she felt thirsty. The sun was hot and inflamed and provoke a sense of thirst. After two days the water ended completely, and the mother's milk dried up .. Hajar and Ismail felt thirsty. The food was over, too ... and the situation looked very difficult and critical.

Ismael started crying from his thirst .. His mother left him and started searching for water .. She started walking speedily until she reached a mountain named "Al-Safa" .. So I went up to him and started looking for them with a well, a person or a caravan .. There was nothing. She speeded down from Al-Safa, even if she reached the valley, she went to strive for a stressful man until she went beyond the valley and reached the mountain "Marwa", so she went up to him and looked to see anyone but she did not see anyone. The mother returned to her child and found him crying and his thirst intensified .. She rushed to the safa and stood on it, and I ran to the Marwa and looked from above it .. She went to go and comes seven times between the two small mountains .. Seven times as she goes and returns .. That is why the pilgrims go seven times and return between the safa And Marwa is a remembrance of their mother’s first memories and their great Prophet Ismail. Hajar returned after the seventh time, exhausted, exhausted and panting .. She sat next to her son, whose voice had been crying and thirsting.

And in this desperate moment, the mercy of God realized it, and Ismail smashed his feet to the ground while he was crying and exploded under his feet the well of Zamzam..and the water escaped from the well .. saved the life of the child and the mother..the mother started scooping with her hand while she thanked God .. .. Believe it when she said: We will not get lost as long as God is with us.

Some convoys began to settle in the area ... and the water that exploded from the Zamzam well attracted many people ... and the construction began spreading its wings over the place.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ishmael grew up ... and the heart of Abraham clung to him. God Almighty recounted the position of Abraham’s misfortune in Surat (As-Saffat) .. He says:

He said I am going to my Lord Siahdin (99) Lord, grant me righteous (100) Fbhernah Bghulam Halim (101) when he reached with him to seek said, my son, I see in a dream that I Ozbg see what you see said, O my father, do what I commanded to find me, God willing patient (102) when they became Muslim and a hill to the forehead (103) Nadenah that O Ibrahim (104) have ratified the vision Verily also recompense benefactors (105) this is a scourge shown (106) and Vdenah great slaughter (107) and we left it in others (108) peace On Ibrahim (109) likewise we reward the benefactors (110) because he is one of our believers

See how God experiences His servants. Consider any type of test. We are before the prophet of his heart, the kindest heart on earth. His heart widened to the love of God and the love of creation. Ibn Ali grew up with him .. He was stabbed in old age and there is no hope that he will have children. Then here he succumbs to sleep and sees in a dream that he slays his son and his firstborn and only who has no one else.

What kind of conflict broke out in himself. Anyone who thinks a conflict has never occurred is wrong. The scourge is not indicative of this conflict-free attitude. A conflict erupted in the soul of Abraham .. a conflict raised by the passionate compassionate parenting. Abraham thought why .. and the answer came to him that this is how God showed him .. and the vision of the prophets is true .. He saw himself in a dream being slaughtered

His only son .. This is a revelation from God to slaughter his only son.

Why..? Abraham removed her from his thinking .. It is not Abraham who is asking God why or for any reason .. Abraham thought about his son .. What does he say about him if he lays him on the ground to slaughter him .. It is better for him to say to his son that this would be better for his heart and less easy for him to take him forcibly and slaughter him by force . This is better .. it's over and he went to his son:

O my son said that I see in a dream that I slaughter you and see what you see

Look at his kindness in informing his son, and he left the matter to be considered by the son in obedience .. The matter is in the eyes of Abraham because he was inspired by his Lord .. What does the decent son see about that? Ismail bin Ibrahim answered Ibrahim's answer. This is an order, Dad, so he implemented it:

My father, do what you command. You will find me, God willing, who will be patient.

Consider the son’s response .. A person knows that he will be slaughtered and obeys the divine order and offers will and his father is assured that he will find him .. If God wills the patient

He is patience in any case and in any case .. Perhaps it was harder for the son to die by slaughtering at the behest of God .. Here he is Abraham discovers that his son competes with him in the love of God. We do not know any feelings that came to Abraham after the surrender of his patient Al-Saber .. We do not know.

Al-Haqq brings us a lightning shift. If Ismail is lying on the ground, his face on the ground will have mercy on him so that he will not see himself slaughtered. And if Abraham raises his hand with the knife .. And if God commands obedience.

When he became Muslim

The Qur’an used this expression .. (When he became Muslim) This is true Islam .. You give everything, so nothing is left of you.

Only then .. And at the moment when the knife was preparing to follow its command .. God called Abraham .. His test ended, and God ransomed Ismail with great sacrifice, and today became a feast for a people who were not yet born .. they are Muslims. These moments have become a festival for Muslims.

Eid reminds them of the true meaning of Islam that Ibrahim and Ismail were.

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim's story went on. He left his son Ismail and started hitting in the land of God, calling him, as a boy for him alone .. And the days passed. Ibrahim had migrated from the land of the Chaldeans, his birthplace in Iraq and across Jordan, and he lived in the land of Canaan in the Badia. Abraham did not forget during his call to God to ask about the news of Lot with his people, and Lot was the first to believe in him, and God has rewarded him by sending a prophet to a disobedient one.

Ibrahim was sitting alone. At the moment three feet of angels landed on Earth: Gabriel, Israfil and Michael. They form in human images of super beauty. They walked silent. Their mission is double. Passing and preaching to Ibrahim. Then visit the people of Lot and end their crimes.

The three angels walked a little .. One of them threw a pebble in front of Abraham. Ibrahim raised his head .. contemplated their faces .. nobody knows about them..take him salutations .. They said: Peace .. He said: Peace

Ibrahim got up and welcomed them .. He brought them into his house thinking that they were guests and strangers. Sit them and reassure that they have been reassured, then ask permission and leave .. Rag to his family.

I got up his wife Sarah when he entered her. An old woman had bleached her hair and no longer glowed with youth in her, except the flash of faith that appeared from her eyes.

Ibrahim said to his wife: Three strangers visited us.

I asked him: Who are they?

He said: I do not know anyone among them ... strange faces on the place .. There is no doubt that they are from far away, but their clothes do not indicate long travel. Any ready food we have?

She said: half a sheep.

He said, while leaving: "Half a sheep ... slaughter them with a fat calf ... they are guests and strangers." They have no animals, loads or food .. Maybe they were hungry and maybe they were poor.

Ibrahim chose a fat calf and ordered his slaughter, so they mentioned the name of God on it and slaughtered it. And the barbeque began to roast on hot stones .. The table was prepared .. Ibrahim invited his guests to the food, and he stopped his wife in serving them with an increase in honor and hospitality, and put the roasted calf in front of the guests.

Abraham indicated with his hand that they would kindly see God, and he began eating to encourage them. Abraham was generous knowing that God would not give up generosity and perhaps there was nothing in this house other than this calf, and his guests are three and a half sheep who suffice them and increase, except that he was a great master of generosity. Ibrahim was eating and then peeking at his guests to make sure they were eating. Note that no one extends his hand to the food. The food came near to them and said: Do you not eat? He returned to his food and then sneaked a look at them and found them not eating .. He saw their hands not reaching the food. Then (Aujas are frightened of them). In the Badia traditions in which Abraham lived, the meaning of the guests' refraining from eating was that they meant evil to the owner of the house.

And Ibrahim observed between him and himself more than a note supporting the strangeness of his guests. Notice that they suddenly entered it. He only saw them while they were at his head. They had no reason to carry them, they did not have loads .. Their faces are completely foreign to him. We were traveling and they do not have a trace of dust traveling. Then here he invites them to his food and they sit at the table and do not eat .. Abraham's fear increased ... He looked up and found his wife Sarah standing at the end of the room.

He tried to tell her with his looks that he was afraid of his guests, so the woman did not understand .. And Ibrahim thought about his men, his servants, and his people .. The number of guests is three .. They are in the prime of the youth, an old man and an old man. The angels used to read his thoughts that revolve around himself, without making his face known. One of the angels said to him: "Do not be afraid." Ibrahim raised his head and said with great honesty and innocence: I admit I am afraid. I have invited you to the food and welcomed you, but you do not extend your hands to him .. Do you intend to evil me?

One of the angels smiled and said: We do not eat, Abraham .. We are the angels of God .. We have been sent to the people of Lot

Ibrahim, peace be upon him

Ibrahim's wife laughed .. It was a list that followed the dialogue between her husband and them, and she laughed.

An angel turned to her and showed her to Isaac. May God bless you.

The old woman minted her face in astonishment, and said:

Come on, and I'm old, and this is an old man

One of the angels returned to tell her:

And from behind Isaac Jacob

The feelings fought in the heart of Ibrahim and his wife .. He cleared the atmosphere of the room, Abraham's fear withdrew, and his heart occupied a kind of strange mixed joy .. His barren wife was also standing shivering .. The good news of the angels shaking her soul deeply shaken .. She is a sterile old man and her husband is a great sheikh. How ... how is it possible?

Amid this turbulent dewy climate, Ibrahim asked:

You preached to me that old people grow old, so what do you preach

Whether he wants to hear the gospel again? Did he want to reassure his heart and hear for the second time, God’s blessings be upon him? was this inside him a human feeling that wanted to be trusted? And vibrate with joy twice instead of once? Angels assured him they Bhroh right.

They said we preach the truth to you, so do not be despairing

He said: And whoever despises the mercy of his Lord, except those who are lost

The angels did not understand his human feeling, for he was forbidden to be from the despondent, and I understand them that he is not despondent ... but it is joy. The reaction to Ibrahim’s wife, peace be upon him, was amazing .. She came back for the second time to interfere in the conversation .. She asked between amazement and amazement:

I am old and I am old and this is an old age for me that this is a strange thing

Angels' response:

They said, “Surprise you with the command of God, may God have mercy and blessings be upon you on the people of the house. He is praise and glorious.”

Bushra was not a simple thing in the life of Ibrahim and his wife .. Ibrahim had only one son, Ismail, who left him there far away in the Arabian Peninsula. And his wife Sarah had not given birth during her long ten years to Abraham, and she was the one whose wife from her maid Hajar .. And from Hajar Ismail came .. Sarah did not have a son .. and her longing for the boy was great, the passage of days did not extinguish his glow. Then she entered her old age, dying her dream and died. She used to say: It is the will of God Almighty.

This is how God wanted her .. And so he wanted her husband .. Then here she is at the end of life she receives the good news .. She will give birth to a boy. Not only that, the angels her skin that her son will have a son who will witness his birth and witness his life .. She has been patient for a long time and then gave up and then forgot .. Then God's reward comes as a surprise that erases all this in a moment.

She shed tears while standing .. Abraham, peace and blessings be upon him, felt a puzzling feeling .. He fought himself with feelings of mercy and closeness, and he again felt that he was facing a blessing that he did not know how to fulfill her right of thanks .. And Abraham fell prostrated in his face.

His son Ismail is there .. far away from him and does not see him .. He is there by the command of God .. God commanded him to carry him with his mother and leave them in a valley without cultivation and water .. Thus without explanation or clarification.

And Abraham cracked the matter .. He lived calling God alone .. Now, God Almighty preaches after his old age that he will give birth to Isaac from Sarah .. After him Jacob .. The matter ended and the human race settled in their minds together .. Abraham rose from his prostration and his eyes fell on food. He felt that he could not continue to eat because of his joy, he ordered his servants to carry food and turned to the angels.

His fear was gone, his confusion reassured, and horror left him, and he settled the human heart that they carried to him. And remember that they were sent to the people of Lot .. Lot his nephew, who was displaced with him from his hometown, and who lives in close proximity to him .. And Abraham knows the meaning of sending the angels to Lot and his people .. This means a terrible punishment. And Abraham's compassionate nature does not make him endure the destruction of a people in surrender .. Perhaps the people of Lot returned and took off and became Muslim, they answered their messenger .. Perhaps this happened.

Ibrahim began to argue with the angels in the people of Lot. He told them about the possibility of their faith and their return through immorality, and the angels made him understand that these are criminals. And that their mission is to send stones of terracotta from your Lord to the wasteful ones .. And Ibrahim returned, after the angels closed the door of this dialogue, he talked to them about the believers from the people of Lot. He asked them: Do you consume a village with three hundred believers? The angels said: No, so he decreases the number of believers and asks them to destroy the village and this number of believers.

The angels replied, saying: We know who is in it .. Then they understood that the matter had been decided .. And the will of God blessed and Almighty required the execution of the matter and the death of the people of Lot .. The command of his Lord .. And it was decided upon them (irreversible torment) torment that Ibrahim’s argument would not give back.

This is the wise Prophet, the precious penitent. The Almighty said in Surat (Hood):

I came messengers Abraham glad tidings said peace, peace, what he said just that came wheeled haneeth (69) when he saw their hands not up to him Nlm and Oojs them wary they do not be afraid we are sent to the people of Lot (70) and his wife list laughed Fbhernaha Isaac and behind Isaac, Jacob (71 ) said, 'Woe to me Oold and I am old and this Ali sheikh this is something wondrous (72) said Otaajabin from the command of Allah's mercy and blessings of God be upon you the people of the house that he Hamid Majid (73) when he went about Abraham horror and came to him human Ejadlna in the people of Lot (74) Abraham For a dream, a penitent one (75), Abraham, I hereby declare that this command of your Lord has come, and that they bring to them a torment that is inexhaustible.

The word "angels" marked the end of the debate. Abraham was silent. The angels went to the people of Lot, peace be upon him.

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